
Key Features:


To start using Esri Maps for MarkLogic, follow these steps to get started.

  1. Download ml-esri-maps-ng (minified version) and put it with your other scripts. Alternatively, you can use Bower to install it automatically:

    bower install [--save] ml-esri-maps-ng

  2. Load ml-esri-maps-ng.js into your HTML page (typically in the end of the BODY of your HTML):

    <script src='/bower_components/ml-google-esri-ng/dist/ml-esri-maps-ng[.min].js'></script>

  3. Include the Esri Javascript API:

    <script src='//js.arcgis.com/3.14/'></script>

  4. Load Esri stylesheet and the ml-esri-maps-ng.css into your HTML page (typically in the end of the HEAD of your HTML):

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="//js.arcgis.com/3.14/esri/css/esri.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/bower_components/ml-esri-maps-ng/dist/ml-esri-maps-ng.css">

  5. Update your application module to depend on the ml-esri-maps-ng module:

    angular.module('myApplicationModule', ['ml.esri-maps']);




The ml-esri-search-map directive utilizes geospatial facet data to draw cluster markers on the map. The geospatial facet data is expected to have a box coordinates along with the count for the number of items contained in the box. When the facets data has multiple geospatial facets, each facet gets a unique color for the cluster markers (up to 5 different colors).



To use the ml-esri-search-map directive, you must first follow the steps in the Quickstart section to prepare your application. Then follow the steps below:

  1. Expose objects and call-back functions in your Angular controller:

    MyCtrl.$inject = ['$scope'];
    function MyCtrl($scope) {
      var ctrl = this;
      var ctrl.mapOptions = {
        center: [4.8447237, 52.3881895],
        zoom: 10,
        baseMap: 'national-geographic'
      ctrl.myFacets = {
        facets: {
          locations: {
            count: 4262,
            boxes: [{
              count: 625,
              s: 52.28889,
              w: 4.856865,
              n: 52.33222,
              e: 5.019565
            }, {
              count: 1301,
              s: 52.33256,
              w: 4.763993,
              n: 52.40219,
              e: 4.844532
            }, {
              count: 2336,
              s: 52.33251,
              w: 4.844792,
              n: 52.42354,
              e: 5.025896
      ctrl.boundsChanged = function(bounds) {
        // place your geospatial search code here, and make that update $scope.myFacets
        // The <bounds> parameter has an object structure like:
        // {
        //    'south': 51.0,
        //    'west': 4.11,
        //    'north': 53.0,
        //    'east': 5.25
        // }

  2. Add ml-esri-search-map element in your template:

    <ml-esri-search-map options="ctrl.mapOptions" facets="ctrl.myFacets.facets" bounds-changed="ctrl.boundsChanged(bounds)"></ml-esri-search-map>



The ml-esri-detail-map directive is used to display 1 or more points on a smaller version of an Esri map. This is typically used to give geospatial context to an individual document/object.



To use the ml-esri-search-map directive, you must first follow the steps in the Quickstart section to prepare your application. Then follow the steps below:

  1. Expose objects in your Angular controller:

    MyCtrl.$inject = ['$scope'];
    function MyCtrl($scope) {
      var ctrl = this;
      var ctrl.mapData = {
        'geometry': [52.3881895, 4.8447237],
        'baseMap': 'streets',
        'zoom': 4

  2. Add ml-esri-detail-map element in your template:

    <ml-esri-detail-map geometry="ctrl.mapData.geometry" base-map="ctrl.mapData.baseMap" zoom='ctrl.mapData.zoom'></ml-esri-detail-map>